What next after passing the certification exam?

First, CONGRATULATIONS for being an AdSkills certified! 

Here are the next steps you need to do to get the full benefit of being a certified member:

  1. Once you complete the exam with a passing score, you will receive an email with your certification details and badge along with instructions on how to add them to your LinkedIn profile.

    NOTE: Please check your certificate credential are accurate. If something needs to be changed, please email support@adskills.com
  2. To be paired with the leads coming in through our matchmaker program, it is a must to create a profile at https://marketplace.adskills.com

    We are sending all hiring businesses to completed profiles within the marketplace. Having your profile completely filled in will help ensure we can direct leads to your profile. This new system allows you to capture leads and even payments from within the marketplace.

If you have other concerns, please email our support team at support@adskills.com. Our team monitors the support email Monday - Friday between 9 am - 5 pm EST.  

We reply to all submissions within 12-24 hours unless it is the weekend (or a holiday) in which case, we'll respond first thing on Monday morning of the new week. 
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