Matchmaker Guarantee

We work hard to maintain always up-to-date training for AdSkills members. We want the integrity of the AdSkills certification and our matchmaker program to be a valuable contribution to online businesses.

The Matchmaker Guarantee is here to make this a win/win/win for You, AdSkills, and the Ad buyer we match you with.

In the event, you encounter a troublesome campaign or even an AdSkills certified ad buyer that doesn't deliver on their promise to you, AdSkills is here to help.

If for any reason, things don't work out, please make us the first person you reach out to. We will pair your ad buyer with a dedicated mentor to turn around your campaigns or by finding an ad buyer that will meet your goals.

In addition to mentorship, you should know that we hold certified members to a strict 2 strikes rule. If we receive feedback that one of our certified ad buyers lets down a business, we personally reach out to the ad buyer to offer additional support and mentorship. After the 3rd complaint, they are removed from our provider’s page and are no longer allowed to claim AdSkills certified until sufficient evidence has been submitted to prove otherwise.

Please send us an email at and let us know when you hire one of our ad buyers so we can check their progress. 

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